A season of movement for the body of Christ. Moving into adulthood, moving into their destiny, doing what they are called to do, being who they are created to be. From the little to the youngsters, to the middle aged to the old and grey. From every tribe and nation I will call out and awaken their hearts. No longer will they stay on a low down. No longer will they hide. Bu they will move forward in the power of my Spirit.

“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty.”
Zecharia 4:6

Because it’s by My Spirit that I will accomplish things. There will be an increase of My glory upon My people. Shine your light! Shine in the darkness! Be brave your warriors and raise up a shout of victory. For the battle is mine and I have overcome.

So I call you out to MOVE! It will be a global movement. There will be news with all kinds of testimonies from all around the world from ‘ordinary’ people; sons and daughters of the living God. They have been silence and are now standing firm in faith and moving into the dark places to call My children who I have called from their birth into the light. There will be an outpouring of wonderous miracles and healings.

Don’t be distracted or disturbed by those who sayit’s not from Me. But keep on moving forward. Keep spreading out and give taste to your surroundings. For you are the salt of the earth, giving flavor. Spread out!

It will be a time of unconventional movement, unconventional actions. For I will break religion and the heavy yoke it has put on My people off. I will break down the walls that men build between their own brothers and tear down the lies in their heads! And I will pour out a deep love for eachother and a deeper compassion for the world. A movement on many levels bringing forth the harvest and bringing back the children to My heart and My heart to the heart of the children. For that brings Me joy and I will empower My people to do just that.

New ideas; revolutionairy, problem solving ideas, economy changing ideas to turn things aroundin cultures, in kingdoms, in nations.
I will reveal to My intercessors the calling I have put on the nations and will press into their hearts to intercede for nations and their issues like never before. Call the nations into purpose for which I have created them. For I will give you the nations.

There will be a global movement on govermental level. Global influences and favor. Divine favor upon My people; My sons and daughters.
MOVE!!! For I have send out my army of angels to prepare the way.

There will be an awakening; a great movement in the middle east. Fot the time has come that the power of the islam will be torn down. It’s already crumbling, but it has just started…Look and pay attention to the sound, to the signs of this time, to the movement.

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